Thursday, July 14, 2005

Not for anyone afraid of needles - this is a document of how I inject testosterone into my leg.� I do this every two weeks, since April 18th, 2005 and I am documenting my changes whenever I feel like it.� So far, only my voice is changing.� No body hair yet.

Watch the video originally shared on

Monday, July 11, 2005

I'm walking towards downtown today and I am struck by the variety to garbage and beauty on the streets.� The two are not mutually exclusive, I find some garbage to be beautiful.

At one point I found this long stretch of alley with some beautiful graffitti I have never seen before.� Amazing!

Then I have a little bit of a rant about gentrification.

Watch the video originally shared on

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Today in Toronto July 8th, 2005

Click on image to see movie - Hosted by BLIP TV! Check out link in sidebar.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Hopey's Long Day

Click on image to see movie.

Lukas and Kaleb in Wonderland

Click on image to see movie.

I took my best friend and roommate Kaleb to Canada's Wonderland last week. It's the canadian equivalent of Universal Studios mixed with 6 flags. We had a great time, even though there was a HUGE storm that started when we were next in line to get on the biggest, oldest roller coaster.

Anyway, I took my camera on this crazy Psyclone ride and afterwards it turned out that I hadn't pressed "record" so the most footage i have is of the funnel cake making process...mmmm, funnel cake.

The Workshop

Click on image to see movie.

This week I got to teach a workshop on Videoblogging at the film co-op upstairs from my work. There were 4 people signed up and I showed them all the steps to starting their own videoblogs. Links to come - I hope they'll join the community as soon as they feel ready.