My School Pals

Okay, well Jay suggested that I get some material of the boys I'm going to school with. I was really nervous about doing it. I'm kind of shy that way. But today I finally broke the ice and pulled out my camera. The guys are really cool - Frank works at Wonderland, he does in fact operate rollercoasters. He's also really into music and that's mostly where we connect. Don's a total computer whiz and he runs servers and websites and he loves old school video games (like nintendo and early gameboy! god, i'm old) and he wears a different video game related shirt to school everyday. Steven is pretty quiet, very nice and also seems to enjoy video games and music. Josh was sick today so I think I'll bring my camera again next week and try to catch him.
On the way home I was thinking it would be fun to do a weekly question with these guys. I'm not good at being regular about stuff, but if it keeps me vlogging, it's worth it. This whole school trip has been really intense but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. More to come...